Tropical Field Studies in Costa Rica

Estimated Program Cost

Airline Fare: RT Boston to San Jose, CR ...... $700
Airline baggage fee …… $50 ($25 each way)
Room and board in Costa Rica ..... $2275
(Includes all meals, ground transportation, and park fees)

Total Program Cost ..... $3025*
(The costs for required personal items such as passport fees or hiking boots not included)

Scholarships are available to cover 80% of your total expenses.
Download scholarship application at:

*Your total cost with scholarship: $750
(Includes tuition and fees for BHCC academic credit)

Financial aid may be used to cover your 20% of the total costs.

Scholarship application deadline is, December 19th 5:00pm

Non-scholarship participation available on a space available basis.
(Contact Professor Robert Steeper by January 15, 2024)

Travel Insurance

Primary Health Insurance is required to participate. Travel Health and Evacuation Insurance will be purchased for you by the college.